What Works in Education (Conference)
What Works in Education (Conference) On Thursday last week, I decided to attend a full-day conference at UNSW Business School, organised by STEP UP Research Initiative. Since my startup has got me into the education sector, I thought this might be a good opportunity to learn about the research happening. (I...
Opinion: Pitchfests with the majority of participants in their middle ages are a scam
Opinion: Pitchfests with the majority of participants in their middle ages are a scam Alright, hear me out on this one. I am just back from Jobs for NSW’s Regional Pitchfest event. The link to this event was sent on our Founders channel and that is how I got...
IxDA Event- Experience is the Product
IxDA Event- Experience is the Product On Wednesday evening this week, I attended (volunteered at, rather) an IXDA event ‘Experience is the Product’ by Peter Merholz. He is a UX designer, and an author and is often credited for coining the term ‘blog’. Peter’s talk focussed on the role...