Author: NPaN

Finally, A Reward!

Finally, a reward after a really really long time! After working on the problem that students and lecturers face in the classroom which to name a few include communication barrier and less to no feedback for the lecturer after every lecture, I finally received a reward for my efforts:...

Back on Track

Now Now… I know it’s been a while since I last wrote my blog. But during that period I wrote a couple of travel blogs (I still haven’t finished those :/ ), participated in Peter Ferrell Cup (PFC) and pitched a few times. My last few pitches have been...

Port Macquarie to Byron Bay

Sydney to Brisbane trip (part-2) Note: I have changed names of my friends. Most of the pictures here have been clicked by them. I like to surround myself with people who are better than me. They help me stay motivated and often give invaluable advice. Most of these people...

An Indian walks into an Asian store

And starts to understand accessibility For anyone not being able to read Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, and/or Japanese, an Asian supermarket is one confusing place. For most items, the only thing in English is the tag that states the price of the product. Luckily, some products have nice images so...

Sydney to Port Macquarie

Sydney to Brisbane trip (Part-1) Note: I have changed the names of my friends. Most of the pictures here have been clicked by them.  As such, not much was planned. We got the plane ticket on a Wednesday: 5 days into the trip, waiting for the prices to fall....

What Works in Education (Conference)

What Works in Education (Conference) On Thursday last week, I decided to attend a full-day conference at UNSW Business School, organised by STEP UP Research Initiative. Since my startup has got me into the education sector, I thought this might be a good opportunity to learn about the research happening. (I...

IxDA Event- Experience is the Product

IxDA Event- Experience is the Product On Wednesday evening this week, I attended (volunteered at, rather) an IXDA event ‘Experience is the Product’ by Peter Merholz. He is a UX designer, and an author and is often credited for coining the term ‘blog’. Peter’s talk focussed on the role...

Focus Group at MCIC

Focus Group at MCIC Our coach Phil from MCIC encouraged us to have a focus group to discuss the problems faced by the students. Prior to this, we were mostly working off assumptions. Some would say that working on an idea without any market research is plain stupid. So...

Canon is onto Something

Canon is onto Something Apple has arguably been the face of consumer centric design since the late 1990’s. Their advertisements focussed on the customer experience and that is how it has been since then. Last week while dropping off my MacBook at the fruit store for screen repair, I...