AI, bots and recruitment.
Over the last few months, I’ve applied for over a hundred jobs. The application process for some of these jobs has been downright insulting. After writing a 300-word cover letter and tailoring the resumes to the job description, I was disgusted to either- Never receive a response Receive a...
People vs Advertisements
Advertisements are frustrating and serve only to annoy the free user. Jan Koum and Brian Acton, founders of Whatsapp, hated advertisements. Jan’s first-ever tweet, a reference to the movie Fight Club, goes- “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we...
Subscription-based Marriages
In 2021, the Australian government increased the English language requirement for a permanent residency visa. By 2027, the requirements were pushed even further, requiring partners to have a proficient level of the language. The message was clear: stop marrying for a residency. They stated that the country was struggling...